Start Referral
What is
Promise 1000? Becoming a parent is an important and often challenging job. “It takes a Village to raise a child.” This phrase describes how all parents need support. From family, friends to community, parents and kids do best when they are surrounded with the caring help of others. This is especially true of parents who may have extra stresses and challenges in their own lives. Promise 1000 connects families within the Kansas City region and beyond to agencies with special training to provide in-home support. These services are for parents who are expecting a baby or who have a young baby or child. Promise 1000 serves parents who may not already have the support they need in place.
Promise 1000 is an initiative of the Division of Child Adversity & Resilience at Children's Mercy Kansas City and Nurture KC with supportive funding from Health Forward Foundation, Hall Family Foundation, Missouri Children's Trust Fund, Jackson County Community Children's Services Fund, Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation, and local philanthropic Funds & Trusts. Who is eligible?
Parents who are eligible for home visiting from an agency in our Region (see map):
Click on the images below to connect to related social media articles!
What is
Home Visitation? Home visiting services are free & voluntary!
Home Visitors are also called Family Support Specialists or Parent Educators. They connect parents with services in the community, provide coaching or education related to parenting a young baby or child, and provide comprehensive support depending on the needs of the family. |
How do I make a referral or receive services?
You can make a referral to receive services from a Home Visiting Agency by clicking the "Start Referral" button above. For more information on who is a part of our Coordinated Referral System, please see below.
The following Home Visiting Agencies are currently part of Promise 1000's Referral System (light blue links below will take you to the agencies website, if available, to learn more about their program): EARLY HEAD START (EHS)
Parent Testimonials
“The accommodations and encouragement my Home Visitor has provided for dealing with Essential Tremor has been excellent. I am Gramma raising a 2-year-old. My home visiting program has made it possible for me to stay focused. Also, it is a good outlet when I feel overwhelmed. My Home Visitor is phenomenal as are all the workers I have met.” "My Home Visitor is AMAZING. She's kind, sweet, fun to visit with and very understanding. I most definitely would recommend her to anyone that would benefit from this program.” “Our Home Visitor has been a wonderful help to our family! I'm so happy that we get to continue having her in our lives. She's compassionate, sweet and such a good person. She was a rock for us while we were in an unfortunate situation. She truly does care.” “All the lessons I'm learning has encouraged me to become a better mom.” “I like all the information they give me and the activities they give my son.” “I feel very comfortable and you learn more about your baby's development.” |
Promise 1000's service area is in shades of blue on the map. However, we partner with other Home Visiting Collective Impact (CI) sites across Missouri to ensure families have easy access to home visiting services anywhere in the State. If you are interested in services outside of the Promise 1000 service area, you can still make a referral through our system above and it will redirect you to the Collective Impact Site serving your area OR you can click here to access the CRIS LINK!
Learn more about the Missouri Home Visiting Referral System!
You may request home visiting services by completing a referral online. Click the link and answer the questions that follow. If you would like to speak with someone by phone, please call 816-234-3732 or email us at [email protected].
Learn more about Promise 1000!
Full Video Content (10 minutes)
Shortened Video Content (3.25 minutes)
Link to Current Promise 1000 Newsletter: